Guest Curator Talk | Alfred Weidinger
Guest Curator Talk | Alfred Weidinger
Recording on YouTube
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Guest Curator Talk | Alfred Weidinger
Our 28th guest curator Alfred Weidinger, Managing Director of the Upper Austrian Provincial Culture explains the reasons for his selection to the photographers he has chosen in a Zoom talk.
In a Zoom conversation on 12 April 2022, he interviewed the members he had selected and our members interviewed him.
Topics were:
* How intuitive points of view have an elementary influence on the choice of images.
* that it is good to know about the biographical key data of a photographer so that one can classify the individual work
* that we are increasingly surrounded by digital parallel worlds that dramatically change our view of reality
* that much of the avant-garde art from the old GDR has been forgotten and now needs to be rediscovered
* that the photographs from the queer community represent a piece of emancipation for society - that the evaluation of photography is always connected to our own memories
* that it is a great challenge to make an essential selection from a huge volume of photographic image material
Moderated by Klaus Elle
Use the YouTube subtitles to translate the German discussion.
We would like to thank 'KULTUR.GEMEINSCHAFTEN – Förderprogramm für digitale Content-Produktion in Kultureinrichtungen' for their support. This funding project is supported by Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, NEUSTART KULTUR and Kulturstiftung der Länder.
Recording on YouTube
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