DFA News

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The conferences are at the heart of all DFA activities: a personal exchange between image creators and the public, offered free of charge, with debates on equal terms.

All Academy members can register a presentation for an upcoming conference with complete creative control as to its content. Members also have the opportunity to invite guest presenters to showcase their work. These are primarily photographic contributions and equally welcomed are photography-related projects by curators, cultural managers, art and other historians, etc.

Each presentation is followed by a hosted, public debate with an open invitation to contribute.

The presentations have been streamed live for several years, naturally at the consent of all presenters. This material will ideally form the content for an extensive video archive, created by the Academy for long-term, online, public access and always in consultation with the presenters.

At the close of each conference, the Academy’s internal committee announces the guest speakers who have been offered membership. In this way, a network is created in which each member is inspired to invite new guests.