Guest Curator Talk | Dr. Martina Mettner
Guest Curator Talk | Dr. Martina Mettner
Watch the recording on YouTube. Use the subtitles option to translate the German original.
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Guest Curator Talk | Dr. Martina Mettner
Our 24th guest curator Dr. Martina Mettner selected 10 images from our members' portfolios. On December 14th, in a Zoom conversation with the photographers
she explains the reasons for her selection and has an individual question for each of them. The conversation is in German, but you can watch the recording on YouTube with subtitles.
Dr. Mettner's selection can be found here.
We would like to thank 'KULTUR.GEMEINSCHAFTEN – Förderprogramm für digitale Content-Produktion in Kultureinrichtungen' for their support. This funding project is supported by Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, NEUSTART KULTUR and Kulturstiftung der Länder.
Watch the recording on YouTube. Use the subtitles option to translate the German original.
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