Short Bio
Rolf Sachsse was born in Bonn in 1949 as the son of a photographer, completed an apprenticeship with Karl-Hugo Schmölz and Walde Huth in Cologne, helped set up the "50 Years of GDL" exhibition in Hamburg in 1969, studied for a doctorate in architectural photography, was on the curatorial team for "60 Years of GDL" in Munich in 1979, and taught theories of design from 1980 to 2017, most recently at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Saarbrücken. He lives in Bonn, curates, writes, and speaks, including at exhibitions and in teaching positions.
Curatorial Statement:
'Keyword Architecture: The choice of the keyword corresponds to the expectation of me: architecture and its representation in images is one of the research topics of my scientific life. Scrolling through the net offer of the DFA reminds me of the origin of the word architect: He is the carpenter - unfortunately always male in antiquity - who starts and is responsible for the work on the building. In this way, all the artists selected here carpenter their paintings and works, they all represent the classical work process of idea, design, study and execution. There is a slow becoming in these pictures, which corresponds to the movement that, since Vitruvius, man should have as a basis for experiencing architecture: walking, as calmly as possible, attentively and with occasional stopping, just when taking a photograph. But also: These images can be quickly wiped away on the smartphone - they are then ephemeral architectures, construction sites of our attention - so please do not step on them, but look!'
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