Henning Maier-Jantzen


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After a dental technician apprenticeship, I discovered my vocation. Photography studies at „Folkwang“ University in Essen turned out to be the logical consequence. Since my diploma in 2002 I have been living in Berlin and Essen. I do both free and commercial photography.


As a photographer, I strive to mirror and reflect on various social processes and visualise them from an individual point of view. My aim is to develop a personal stance to each topic and to then transport it in my pictures. That is the basis of my commercial and freelance work, and also for my teachings.


  • 1995 - 2002 | Fotodesign/Kommunikationsdesign, Uni GHS Essen (DE) heute Folkwang Universität der Künste

Institution (Work Experience)

  • 2014 | Lehrauftrag, Universität der Künste Berlin (DE)

Selected Awards

  • 2001 | Stipendium der Stiftung Kunst und Kultur des Landes NRW (DE)

Selected Exhibitions/Publications

  • 2014 | Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund (DE)
  • 2010 | Ruhr Museum, Essen (DE)
  • 2007 | Rheinisches Industriemuseum, Oberhausen (DE)
  • 2003 | Städtisches Museum, Oldenburg (DE)
  • 2003 | Museum Folkwang, Essen (DE)
  • 2003 | Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn (DE)

Personal Website



Henning Maier-Jantzen | placed (2002)

Henning Maier-Jantzen | placed (2002)

Images widely propagated by movies, magazines and the Internet shape our imagination and view of the world. Thus, tourists travelling to far-away destinations find them to be rendered strangely familiar by the ever-present media. The narrowly confined portraits of travellers broach the issue of isolated experience of the individual faced with formerly virtual spaces. In the comparison between the imagined and real, the actual experience pales in comparison to the image.


Photo / Video

Henning Maier-Jantzen | Emscher (2012 - today)

Henning Maier-Jantzen | Emscher (2012 - today)

The Emscher cooperative’s large-scale river adaption has been shaping the Ruhr region since 1899. Ever since, the project has been closely documented. The continuation of this historical documentation and its effect on the landscape and its people is the central tenet of my work. In order to do so, I take pictures from a height of 25 meter, thus enabling a view of the “habitat”. The individual is reduced to a mere functional perspective. Prominent buildings and locations function as “visual anchors”, enabling a direct link between my pictures and the historical footage.


Photo / Video

Henning Maier-Jantzen | 20“30,- (2007)

Henning Maier-Jantzen | 20“30,- (2007)

A huge brothel in the city of Düsseldorf presents the largest-possible selection in a compact space. Numbered windows offer a “menu”. Identical, chamber-like rooms are become “individualised” through different lighting, simple décor and accessories, but do little to conceal their true purpose as working spaces. My photos give an insight into each individual room, both through the window and each room’s door. Thus, the viewer’s access is contained, leaving room for the imagination. The formality of the pictures, which show the same section and perspective, corresponds with the building’s bare functionality.


Photo / Video

Henning Maier-Jantzen | Anthropolis (2003)

Henning Maier-Jantzen | Anthropolis (2003)

Anthropolis is comprised of thermal images of ants making their seemingly random and arbitrary way through their self-made agglomeration. Their movements seem to follow a pattern, which immediately disintegrates. The tiny spots of light moving at their own pace lead to associations of flying sparks, milling masses and digital gimmicks. Follow Balzacs’ musing on urban development which leads to self-perpetuating movement, Anthropolis is a metaphor for urbanism. The installation was projected on the façade of the Folkwang museum in the city of Essen.


Photo / Video