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Archival Item of the Month | June 2024


Frankfurt am Main

Conference programme GDL conference 25 - 28 July 1921 in Frankfurt am Main. Printed matter, 1 sheet Din A 4, printed on both sides

Admittedly, today's digital world may be organisationally efficient, but aesthetically it is simply barren. The members of the DFA receive the invitation to the general meeting and conference in June 2024 by email, the conference programme is posted in white on black on the website.

103 years ago, GDL members were presented with an elaborate printed document for the conference in Frankfurt am Main. The meeting lasted just under four days: an informal kick-off in the ‘Kaiserbräu’, conference in the ‘Thomasbräu’ and closing with a trip on the Rhine and a Rhine Castle Festival ‘until dark’.

The 2024 presentation of the David Octavius Hill Medal is scheduled for 6.30 pm. Despite European summer time, it is possible that the ceremony will last into the darkness.

GDL Tagungsprogramm 1921© DFA-Archiv

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