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Open Calls | Juni 2022

Preise, Fördergelder, Wettbewerbe. Die Deadlines des Monats:


Paula Riff Award (alternative fotografische Prozesse) —  1 Juni
Annual Photography Awards — 5 Juni (early bird deadline)
Global Peace Photo Award — 5 Juni (extended deadline)
Head On Photo Awards — 5 Juni
Hariban Award (SW-Fotografie) — 15 Juni
One Shot Contest — 15 Juni
Archifoto — 21 Juni
LensCulture Street Photography Awards — 22 Juni
Denis Roussel Award (alternative fotografische Prozesse) — 27 Juni
FRESH @ Klompching Gallery — 30 Juni
International Photography Awards — 30 Juni
Monochromatic Awards — 30 Juni
The Human Body @ Life Framer — 30 Juni


W. Eugene Smith Grant — 1 Juni
W. Eugene Smith Grant for student photographers — 1 Juni
Howard Chapnick Grant — 1 Juni
20/20 Call for Artists @ University of the Arts London (für farbige Fotograf*innen) — 6 Juni
Carte Blanche Etudiants (für Studierende aus Europa) — 13 Juni
Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award (für Fotojournalistinnen) — 18 Juni
Postgraduate Bursary @ Royal Photographic Society — 20 Juni
Pierre & Alexandra Boulat Award — 22 Juni
Disability Communities Creative Grant @ Getty Images —  30 Juni
Marco Pesaresi Award —30 Juni
Light Work Artist-in-Residence Program —1 Juli


Photography Day — Queer Edition @ Preus Museum —  1 Juni
Self-Portraits @ SHOTS Magazine (für SW-Fotografie) — 1 Juni
Call for Open Programme @ Photo Ireland Festival — 5 Juni
BBA Photography Prize — 6 Juni (early bird deadline)
ANNUAL International Competition @ The Print Center — 15 Juni
Black and White @ All About Photo — 15 Juni
Photo Independent Virtual — 17 Juni
American Photographic Artists Awards — 23 Juni
Living Spaces @ Der Greif —  24 Juni
The Next Great Fashion Image Makers @ Photo Vogue — 25 Juni
Yearbook 2022 @ Shutterhub — 30 Juni

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